
Independent apartment living supported by direct services.

Through financial and building partnerships, Village of Merici provides supportive housing options, encouraging independent, self-directed lives. 


Please note: There are currently no available apartments. Merici apartments are in high demand with very low turnover.
If you wish to have your name placed on the waiting list, please apply with the Indianapolis Housing Agency at www.indyhousing.org

Lawrence, IN

Our Unique Housing Model

“Loneliness is the worst disability of all.”

Village of Merici Housing

Belonging is a human need. The Village of Merici housing model supports the sense of belonging that drives us as humans to connect with one another and enjoy the friendships and relationships that are meaningful. Our model promotes the rights of individuals to live near their peers and to experience joy and love to live their best life. Our model allows for full freedom and choice in residential options and not just the options made available by state or federal agencies.

Community integration is more than just a place… it is the ability to truly connect with others.

Renter Obligations 

  • Employment
  • Rent
  • Monthly utilities
  • Phone 
  • Groceries

Housing does not include

  • Food service/meals
  • Transportation

Housing FAQs

Village of Merici provides twenty affordable apartments in the historic Fort Harrison area on the northeast side of Indianapolis with plans for additional apartment buildings in the near future.

Affordable apartments are individually leased units developed using federal rental housing tax credits, lowering the rental rate to below standard market rate.

The need for affordable housing far exceeds available units in Indianapolis, making the apartments offered by Village of Merici in high demand with a low turnover rate. There is currently a long waiting list for an available apartment. In order for you to be considered for housing, you must apply through the Indianapolis Housing Agency at www.indyhousing.org – click on the orange “Apply Here for Housing” button.

Residents must have a primary intellectual or developmental disability (IDD). Qualifying disabilities include Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, or other cognitive disabilities. Since the Village of Merici is not a behavioral therapeutic service provider, a primary psychiatric disability diagnosis does not meet eligibility requirements.

Medicaid Waivers do not pay for rent, utilities, food, or clothing.

Apartments offered by the Village of Merici are part of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Residents must make less than $28,600 gross income (combined from all resources) to be eligible for a subsidized apartment.

There is a live-in manager at the complex, but they are present for emergency support only and are not required to be on the premises at all times. Residents should not require round-the-clock on-site help unless they have 24/7 waiver support services.

All support services are unique to the individual, provided in a one-on-one manner, and paid through a Medicaid Waiver or private pay and can include 24/7 coverage. 

There are no food services. Each apartment is equipped with a full kitchen. Residents are expected to do their own meal planning and cooking.

We do not manage personal finances but we offer budgeting and financial management training through Medicaid Waivers and the Person-Centered Individual Service Plan (PCISP).

Yes! Apartments offered by the Village of Merici are within a typical apartment building with annual individual apartment leases.

Yes! There are a variety of activities and learning opportunities available each week. You do not need to be a resident or receive services through Village of Merici to participate. There is no cost to attend. 

Village of Merici is working with local developers on two new affordable housing projects.

Meet Angie

Angie has lived independently at Merici Village Apartments for many years. Angie is a hard worker and loves to be busy. She maintains three different jobs within the Indianapolis community.

We need your support.

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